Сотрудники Национальной галереи космонавтики США (город Аламогордо, США) ответным письмом поздравили директора Музея города Елену Михайловну Щукину с Днем космонавтики 12 апреля. В своем небольшом письме они подтвердили огромный вклад Юрия Гагарина в освоении космоса и приложили к письму фото последнего визита Е.М. Щукиной в США.
Ниже приводится переписка (язык и содержание сохранены) директора Музея города и сотрудницы галереи космонавтики в США.
Письмо Е.М. Щукиной:
Dear Cathy!
I congratulate You and all your colleagues, collaborators of the Museum with our professional holiday Day of Сosmonautics.
Yuri Gagarin made the dream of many generations of people.
We are all so different, but the space we have one. Let the space be developed further for the benefit of people who live on our planet.
I wish you success in the historical and educational work of Your Museum!
I remember and love You.
With best wishes, Elena
Ответ Кэти Харпер:
Dear Elena,
So very nice to hear from you! I hope you and Professor Zarko are both well. We are very pleased to be celebrating Yuri’s Night again this year. Yuri Gagarin did indeed show all mankind that we can step away from our planet and venture into the great expanse of space – where we all work together for the betterment of all.
I have attached a photo of our guests from last year’s event. I hope you enjoy it! We speak of you often here and all of us have the fondest memories of your visit.
Very best wishes to you and your museum,